4th annual student conference of Humboldt reloaded

„Thirst for Knowledge meets Research Fire“

The fourth annual conference of Humboldt reloaded take place on 22nd of October 2015. Students who took part in a research project during the past year are presenting their results in form of a poster and a presentation. Those will be displayed in the palace of Hohenheim.

This year too, we will hear fascinating project presentations from all faculties. Additionally there is a prize given for the most particularly committed project supervisor.

A special jury will award a prize for each faculty to an outstanding poster from the last project period which are endowed with 500,-€ each from our sponsor Südwestbank.

The Winner in 2015

Agricultural Sciences

Honeydew analysis

Food or throwing away

S. Pünger, T. Mönch, J. Hartmann, I. Jenicke
Natural Sciences

What makes a "sex-gene" in the skin of Xenopus laevis?

N. Wolterhoff, A. Otto
Economics and Social Sciences

Economic Challenges in Health and Hospital Management

M. Wolf, N. Ivanova, F. Spangenberg, M. Steinsberger, S. Junginger, K. Maier-Sohn, S. Majeric, S. Walter, Y. Grauer, M. Binkowski, I. Rabe, T. Ritzenfeldt, M. Schmid

The best Students Presentations

Agricultural Sciences

We bring light into the dark! Studies on the immune system of pigs during the day

Larissa EngertHannah Reutter
Natural Sciences

Dietary habit of women living in rice surplus area, Central Java, Indonesia: Results of a qualitative data assessment

Ratna PurwestriAlika Tuwo, Katharina Rief
Economics and Social Sciences

"Lies press shut up!" Media skepticism in online discourse

Fabian ProchazkaKristina Herdt, Annika Liedtke, Zenobya Mubarak, Sabrina Nagel, Saskia Schulz, Romina Zech

Outstanding Projects

Agricultural Sciences

 Amarant: Species crossroads of Amaranth - The flower of the Inca gold

Markus StetterMichelle Biljecki, Leo Zeitler, Karoline Kröner, Adrian Steinhaus
Natural Sciences

Dietary habit of women living in rice surplus area, Central Java, Indonesia: Results of a qualitative data assessment

Ratna PurwestriAlika Tuwo, Katharina Rief
Economics and Social Sciences

"Lies press shut up!" Media skepticism in online discourse

ProchazkaKristina Herdt, Annika Liedtke, Zenobya Mubarak, Sabrina Nagel, Saskia Schulz, Romina Zeck
FacultyArea of ExpertiseSupervisor
Agricultural SciencesDüngung und BodenstoffhaushaltPerik Seiz
Natural SciencesBiochemie der ErnährungJudith Lauvai
Economics and Social SciencesWirtschaftsinformatik IJohannes Gettinger

Impressions of the Conference

Dean Prof. Dr. Hadwich welcomes the visitors and participants of the conference
Participants present their research results to visitors
Welcoming visitors in the foyer
Visitors inspect the poster exhibition
Participants present their results to the audience and the jury
The poster exhibition in the Balkony hall attracts many visitors
Catering for visitors and participants in the foyer
Poster presentation by the participants of the project in front of visitors
Questions from interested visitors


Video of the Conference (German)


Thanks to our sponsor