The history of the Bodenschätze-Bag

35% of organic vegetable production is not harvested even though it is suitable for consumption. - Why? Because the vegetables have one or another little quirk. Supermarkets only take  produce that looks perfect, because that's what the customer buys. But what happens to B-grade vegetables that are just as good in terms of quality and taste? Where can they be sold? What price is appropriate? Who buys vegetables with a quirk?

As part of the interdisciplinary Humboldt reloaded project "Gesunde Macke" (English: "Healthy quirk"), which combines methodological approaches from agricultural and economic sciences, these questions were investigated through a market analysis. In cooperation with Bioland-Gemüsehof Hörz, a questionnaire was created that was well received by bachelor's and master's students from the three faculties of agricultural, economic and natural sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Over 1,000 evaluable questionnaires were collected.

A lot of students expressed their support for the sale of second choice organic vegetables at the University of Hohenheim. As a result, a pilot project was put into action in the summer semester of 2018. On four delivery dates (from 19.6.-10.7.2018), over 260 soil bags were picked up at the TMS.

Information about the Bodenschätze-Bag

Bodenschätze are back!

Distribution dates 2023:
July 05 •  July 12 •  July 19

On the dates listed above, you can pick up a Bodenschätze-Bag full of fresh quirky organic vegetables from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at TMS. FRESH and Greening will be handing out the bags there.

Delivery of a bag only upon pre-order! To order, send an e-mail to:
Please include full name, IBAN, phone number and desired delivery date(s) in the email. The subject of the email should be "Bodenschätze".

The deadline for accepting orders is 12 noon on Monday of the same week.
→ So for the first distribution date on June 21, you must have pre-ordered by noon on June 19, 2023 at the latest!

Price for a Bodenschätze-Bag: €7.90
Payment will be made backdated by direct debit from your account. You will receive the invoice by e-mail.

Contents: Seasonal vegetables from organic cultivation with quirks or from excess quantities
Producer: Bioland vegetable farm Hörz, Filderstadt

What exactly the bag contains is always a surprise. Because which 2nd choice vegetables are available exactly cannot be planned. One thing is certain, however: despite their visual quirks, the vegetables are crunchy, tasty and healthy! Genuine Bodenschatz quality. As there is sometimes an oversupply due to good weather conditions, the bag may also contain 1st choice vegetables.

If you have any questions, please contact the Bio-Gemüsehof Hörz at: 0711-7777501 (Mon - Fri, 08:00 - 12:00 hrs.)

There is NO SALE in the TMS!

The general terms and conditions of the Bio-Gemüsehof Hörz in detail:


What does "Bodenschätze" actually mean?

"Bodenschätze" translates to natural resources in English (literally: "soil treasures"). Because that is what these vegetables are: a valuable resource, small treasures that should be given as much appreciation as first choice vegetables.

Recipes and more...

And what should you do with all these vegetables now?On the homepage of Gemüsehof Hoerz you will find tips and info for each vegetable as well as quite a few recipes.


"Zu gut für die Tonne!" - Bundespreis 2019

"Das ist der Oscar für Lebensmittelretter", so fasst Bundesministerin Julia Klöckner zusammen, worum es bei der Auszeichnung "Zu gut für die Tonne" geht. Bei der Preisverleihung in Berlin zeichnete die Ministerin am Mittwoch [3.4.2019] insgesamt 8 herausragende Ideen und Innovationen zur Reduzierung der Lebensmittelverschwendung aus. Ein Förderpreis in Höhe von 5000 € ging dabei auch das Projekt "Bodenschätze" – eine Kooperation des Gemüsehofs Hörz in Filderstadt und Humboldt reloaded.
Vanessa Emily-Schoch und Evelyn Reinmuth vom Humboldt reloaded Team waren bei der Preisverleihung in Berlin dabei: „Wir freuen uns riesig und möchten uns an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich auch bei den studentischen Gruppen FRESH und Greening Hohenheim bedanken, die die Ausgabe der Bodenschätze-Tüte in der TMS organisiert haben, ebenso beim AStA und beim Rektorat für die Unterstützung dieses nicht ganz alltäglichen Uni-Projekts.“
Dank der 5000 €-Förderung steht auch einer Fortsetzung der Verkaufsaktion nichts mehr im Wege. Unter anderem investiert der Gemüsehof in eine Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Website, inkl. Online-Bestellformular.

Quelle: Florian Leonhardmair/Online-Kurier/Universität Hohenheim

Alle Informationen rund um den "Zu gut für die Tonne"-Bundespreis und weitere tolle Aktionen gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung findet ihr hier.

Contact for questions about the Humboldt-Reloaded project

Questions to the project in 2018:

  • Dr. Vanessa-Emily Schoch, Fg. economics and management of social services

  • Dr. Evelyn Reinmuth, Coordination for trans- and interdisciplinary Humboldt reloaded projects, Research Group Production Theory and Resource Economics in Agriculture


Relaunch of the project in 2022

  • Sevasti Savvaidou:
  • Dr. Julia Schneider, Center for Organic Agriculture at the University of Hohenheim (309)
    T +49 711 459 23296, E