Humboldt reloaded Summer School 2018

Is health nature or nurture?
Bridging WHO recommendations and evidence based research in alcoholism, depression and nutrition
One of the oldest questions in the history of psychology but also natural sciences is: are we determined by nature or nurture? Especially in terms of health this has been one of the most exciting topics to deal with. In 2015, the largest meta-analysis for twin studies from the last 50 years asked exactly this question which traits are due to genetics and which to the environment1. One author concluded “Genetics contribute to all traits – the difference is by how much”2. These aspects become very interesting when focusing on mental, emotional and physical health. In this course we aim to answer the overarching question: which has a greater influence, nature or nurture?
Thus, we will focus on three important contributors to global burden of disease including depression, alcoholism and nutrition. WHO has identified strong links between depression and substance use disorders and diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. However: the opposite is also true, meaning that people with these other conditions have a higher risk of depression.
“Health isn’t everything, but without it, everything else is nothing.” – Schopenhauer |
The Summer School is a lecture series for one and a half-week, including simple laboratory experiments and excursions. It is for students from agricultural sciences, natural sciences, economics and social sciences. Tutorials and seminars are taught by experts (international and local speakers); yet the carefully planned schedule ensures that the program not only meets the academic needs of the participants, but also provides the opportunity for participants to explore Stuttgart, the beautiful state capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg, in their spare time.
Aims of the course | The aim of the course is to provide a profound insight into the challenges of health sciences. We want to give you an overview of important topics for human health. The lecture series consists of three different topics: Alcohol, Depression and Nutrition. |
Course structure | 8 days of lecture and class time September 12 – September 21, 2018 (arrival day: September 11) |
Credits | 4 ECTS |
Level | Undergraduate and garduate students (undergraduate students will be preferred) |
Exam | Non |
Other costs | Costs for travelling (to Stuttgart and touristic activities), the meals, as well as personal needs have to be paid by the participants. |
Accommodation | You will stay in shared 3 bed rooms at a hostel in Stuttgart. Costs for accommodation and breakfast are covered by the organization committee. Rooms will be distributed at arrival day. For further information about the accommodation follow this link: |
Deadline for application | May 18, 2018 |
Pre-requisites | Participants are required to submit a scientific poster in advance of the Summer School to be eligible for the course´s full credit point value. The topic of the poster will be provided to each student approximately end of May 2018. For preparing a poster, online help will be provided. The poster has to be submitted as a pdf via E-mail to Nicole Henninger ( at the latest by August 7, 2018. The poster is to be presented in a poster session during Summer School. |
Courses are held here | Lecture Hall 20 / HS 20 |
Specials World Café The idea is to get students to exchange scientific ideas and thoughts with experts whilst drinking coffee or tea in one of the World Cafés. Different World Cafés (or stations) with topics for discussion rounds include: methods in scientific experiments, biases in science, effectiveness and usage of new therapies. This will allow students to ask those questions and discuss what they have been wanting to know from previous sessions in a laid back setting and in smaller groups. Case studies Have you ever been interested to know what researchers are investigating at the University of Hohenheim? Well in this session, PhD students will present their current research topics. They will be from different faculties including economic sciences, agricultural sciences, and natural sciences. Here you will have the opportunity to obtain an overview of different innovative research areas and be able to speak to find out if this could be a potential path for your future. |
We are looking forward to meeting you in Hohenheim. If you have any questions regarding the summer school, feel free to contact Nicole Henninger.
1. Polderman TJC. et al. Meta-analysis of the heretability of human traits based on fifty yearsof twin studies. Nature Genetics, Volume 47, Number 7, July 2015.
2. Benyamin B. (Guardian, 2016). Retrieved from:, accessed on 03.03.2018.